Loose facial and neck skin can add a decade or more to your true age. There are several reasons that skin becomes loose. Changes in oral anatomy, loss of volume, sun exposure, genetics and smoking are some of the leading causes of skin loosening.
Although you may have control over some of the contributing causes of loose skin, it is often impossible to reverse the effects without specialist treatment. If you have an aesthetic goal in mind, there are procedures that can help you achieve optimum results.
Cheek Skin Tightening
Contoured cheeks create a younger facial aesthetic. Having the cheek area tightened is one of the most effective rejuvenation options. When the skin is smooth, clearly defined and symmetrical in appearance, it will make you look more like your natural age.
Microneedling or a cheek lift surgery are two of the most popular techniques used to tighten skin. However, the loose cheek skin is not the only area that contributes to an older-looking face. Achieving your ideal aesthetic will take a more comprehensive treatment approach.
Neck Tightening
The skin around the neck can create a drastically older-looking appearance when loose. Removing fat deposits, tightening the skin and stimulating the production of collagen are just some of the techniques that will roll back the years.
To compliment procedures to tighten neck skin, consider treatment to eliminate the appearance of a double chin. The good news is, a double chin can be removed through non-surgical and minimally-invasive treatment options.
Eyes, Brow & Forehead
To complete the picture, you may need to consider having skin tightened around areas such as the eyes, brow and forehead. If the skin around any of your facial features is wrinkled, it will contribute to how old you appear. A facial rejuvenation plan will address all areas of concern to ensure you achieve the best results possible.
Call the offices of The K Spa today to book a consultation with Dr. Benjamin Stong or a member of his team.