Chemical Peels: A Classic Treatment To Perfect Your Skin Atlanta, GA

Chemical Peels: A Classic Treatment To Perfect Your Skin

smiling woman applies chemical peels to face

For some, it’s hard to imagine that a lineless, flawless complexion is hiding beneath their tired, blemished skin. However, with the refined revival of a classic treatment, chemicals peels could be the secret to perfect skin, as told by Allure online. Perhaps this is why more people are seeking treatment with chemical peels than when…

The Secret To Smoothing Away Acne Scarring

Woman Receiving Microneedling Treatment Atlanta GA

In a world inundated with products and specialty services, new-age regimens and vitamins that promise to renew one’s skin, it’s difficult to know which of these is worth it. After all, for someone with acne scarring, what are the chances that a “cream” is going to erase evidence from years of skin trauma and facial…

Usher In The New Year With Innovative Cheek Skin Tightening

beautiful woman touching her face

Given the natural process of aging and decrease in collagen production, the perpetual loss of volume and decreased skin elasticity causes the face to elongate, as cheeks hollow out and begin to droop. Meanwhile, lines and wrinkles appear along the corners of the nose and mouth, creating a less than appealing expression. This means that…

* Disclaimer: These Are Actual Results For Patients Of Dr. Benjamin Stong. Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Results Can Vary Between Patients.