You Do Not Have to Live with Orange Peel Skin Atlanta, GA

You Do Not Have to Live with Orange Peel Skin

Facial Examination

Skin that looks dimpled or slightly puckered is called orange peel. Those with orange peel skin can achieve this condition anywhere on their body, as there are many potential causes. The aging process is the top reason for orange peel skin. The elasticity of your skin decreases with age. As a result, it loses firmness…

Leave the Past Behind: Acne Scar Treatments for an Even Complexion

smiling woman applies chemical peels to face

Even if you no longer experience active acne breakouts like you did when you were younger, you may be dealing with an uneven complexion. Over years of pimples, blemishes and blackheads, our skin can become scarred. Just as with any type of scar, they can be slow to heal and fade. How do you reduce…

* Disclaimer: These Are Actual Results For Patients Of Dr. Benjamin Stong. Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Results Can Vary Between Patients.